Executive & Personal Coaching


What you do makes a difference... and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
— Jane Goodall

This 6 - 12-month one-on-one Executive Collaboration program, uniquely facilitated by the formidable Vashti Whitfield, is exclusively designed for forward-thinking professionals, business owners and leaders, in and out of the workforce, who deeply appreciate the profound impact of collaboration, intentionality, and fearless leadership. It serves as your gateway to turbocharge your capabilities, amplify your core values, and meticulously shape an enduring legacy that unmistakably leaves your mark. This experience isn't merely your usual executive coaching; it's a transformative adventure with Vashti Whitfield as your steadfast companion, empowering you to carve the next iteration of your potential.

Brace yourself for a transformation guided by ruthless purpose and unapologetic impact.’

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  • Spaces are limited, and selection is meticulously based on compatibility, ensuring a formidable collaboration between Vashti and her clients.

  • Over a 6 - 12 -month period, Vashti expertly guides you through three strategic phases: Stage 1: Legacy Blueprint and Realignment:. Begin by crafting your legacy blueprint and realigning your core values. Get clear on what truly matters. Stage 2: Skill Mastery and Transformation:. Dive deep into skill development and personal transformation. Work closely with your coach to implement changes and overcome obstacles. Stage 3: Integration for Lasting Impact: Integrate the new skills into your daily life for lasting impact. This is about making change stick and continuing your growth journey.

  • Personalized Coaching and Immersive Experiences:

    Tailor your journey by selecting between monthly or biweekly sessions, complemented by micro-coaching for those gentle nudges you need. For those yearning to disrupt habitual thinking, Vashti also offers exclusive one-day, two-day, and three-day intensives.

  • Only for the Committed and Curious:

    This program isn't about fear; it's about growth. It's for individuals at the top, committed to expanding their horizons and diversifying their thinking, ready to embrace a co-creative journey to achieve even greater heights..




Vashti is an extraordinary transformational coach, a master artisan, the best of the best, who brings together many decades of experience combined with the latest neuroscience and human behavior knowledge, and delivers her work through a beautiful balance of the Ying and the Yang, to push and pull as needed. To gently guide the moment and yet powerfully envision the future which continues to encourage and motivate you to become the best version of yourself in every aspect of your life. Working with Vashti Whitfield has been a phenomenal journey to say the least. I have come alive in every aspect of my life - at work I am leading my teams with a whole you lease of innovative and creativity leadership. At home I am a thousand times more present and connected with my children and loved ones and on a personal and entrepreneurial level - I have been to shape the blue print for the legacy that I most want to LIVE and leave behind.
I will be forever grateful to Vashti for this transformation.
— Anoop Chaudhuri ~ Global HR Leader | Tech Entrepreneur | Executive Coach
Whatever the stage of your life, be it personal or work-wise, working with VW is such an incredible experience and one I’d highly recommend to anyone. Working together has really helped me to put into words and to plan with absolute clarity what I most want, both professionally and personally and then diligently action it! It’s totally changed the direction of my life and business for the better and provided me with useful life long tools that I use on a regular basis, making it such an empowering experience. VW is truly one of a kind. A kind hearted, strong, driven, open and beautiful human! She is a force to be reckoned with and being around her, you can’t help but be inspired to create change and want for a better life.
— Will Lynes ~ Founder and Director Lynes & Co
Working with Vashti has given me a deeper awareness and understanding of myself. A new perspective on the world, my life, my work-life and my relationships - in and out of the workplace. She has equipped me with the resilience to dig deeper, try harder, understand more and to proudly operate from a Growth Mindset which is more liberating than I ever thought possible.
— Bryn Robert Berry | Account Director. Brand Consultancy
Thank you for your transformational presence, you are a true alchemist
— Dr. Roger Spiller
With a deep breath, I took all the key lessons from Vashti, dug deep and went for it. It has been truly amazing. I have now been promoted to that role which has also been expanded to Alaska and moved my family to Sydney to begin a whole new chapter. Even on the most challenging of days, I am having the greatest of times. I am so present in my skin and loving being this woman I always dreamed of being. I feel in my power and am sharing this journey with my teen daughter and my wonderful husband too.
Vashti Whitfield made me see, believe and be. ”
— Judith Ugava-Taunao Vice President, Change Management Oil Search Limited
when you work with Vashti that nothing is left unturned. Vashti has not only allowed me to open up my awareness to new and wonderful opportunities, but her sessions have taught me to be brave with everything I do - both personally and professionally. Through her life-changing teachings, constant encouragement and strong accountability structures, Vashti has helped me to develop a mindset and deep belief, that nothing at all is impossible in life!”
— Nadine Monley. Stylist and Entrepreneur Founder and MD Beauty Department