Alignment Series


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Can you proudly say that you are living and leading in a way that feels in alignment with the life you most want to lead?

The Alignment Series is a transformational either one on one or team coaching program where you will work exclusively with Vashti Whitfield.

In your program you will dive in deep to explore the origin of your values and beliefs. Refine and correct self-limiting and restricting unconscious behaviours. You’ll learn how to mitigate wasted energy and unhealthy habits. While simultaneously defining what your ultimate vision is and the best strategic approach for accomplishing it.




Working with vashti you will experience:

  • Regular one on one coaching sessions and weekly interaction to help provide an iron clad accountability structure.

  • A supportive and non-bias sounding board to help tackle the obstacles and unexpected curve balls of day to day life.

  • A relentless commitment to the evolution of your potential.

  • Humour, challenge and encouragement.

Duration and fees:

  • We offer either a 3, 6 or 12 month program.

  • Fees begin at $15.000 and will vary depending on duration and specifications.

  • Limited spots available.

This program will:

  • Give you the encouragement and confidence to back yourself 100%.

  • Help you to understand with clarity and precision how to execute, integrate and lead with your core values.

  • Cultivate your vision, goals and a blue print to create a life in alignment with your legacy.

  • Focus on restoring balance to the areas of your life that feel incongruent.

  • Develop the self awareness, emotional intelligence and insight to auto correct self limiting habits and beliefs.

Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do.
— Elvis Presley



Whatever the stage of your life, be it personal or work-wise, working with VW is such an incredible experience and one I’d highly recommend to anyone. Working together has really helped me to put into words and to plan with absolute clarity what I most want, both professionally and personally and then diligently action it! It’s totally changed the direction of my life and business for the better and provided me with useful life long tools that I use on a regular basis, making it such an empowering experience. VW is truly one of a kind. A kind hearted, strong, driven, open and beautiful human! She is a force to be reckoned with and being around her, you can’t help but be inspired to create change and want for a better life.
— Will Lynes ~ Founder and Director Lynes & Co
Working with Vashti Whitfield is for those who truly want to cut to the rub
Beyond having wonderful belly laughs - my time with Vashti brings me out of fighting through the day to day weeds, and pulls me quickly up into the clouds to a master view. I leave her feeling rallied, enthused, clear, and inspired. She is masterful in attuning to the human spirit - and diagnosing with the most profound and researched advice. Vashti has incredibly honed instincts and isn’t afraid to probe into the tough stuff. She also lives her words and is a deeply inspiring human to be around.
— Zoe Hayes | Google. Head of 2bC Marketing Apps & Platforms AUNZ
when you work with Vashti that nothing is left unturned. Vashti has not only allowed me to open up my awareness to new and wonderful opportunities, but her sessions have taught me to be brave with everything I do - both personally and professionally. Through her life-changing teachings, constant encouragement and strong accountability structures, Vashti has helped me to develop a mindset and deep belief, that nothing at all is impossible in life!
— Nadine Monley. Stylist and Entrepreneur Founder and MD Beauty Department